
In the fall of 2017, a group of students in a modern quilt class in Chester, Vermont, started discussing the need for a modern quilt guild to serve Southern Vermont and Western New Hampshire. A steering committee was formed, and shortly thereafter, Twin States Modern Quilt Guild was born.

Our inaugural meeting was held in January 2018 and we have been going strong ever since.

Twin States has been graced with an incredible membership roster and a spirit of inclusiveness. We are now over 40 members strong. We are all ages and all types of quilters, from modern traditionalism, to improvisation, to art quilting.

We are part of the international Modern Quilt Guild and a member of the New England Quilt Museum.

We are a not for profit 501 (C) Organization

Our meetings are held from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm on the fourth Sunday of the month except in November and December, when they are held on the third Sunday.

Membership is for a calendar year with annual dues of $50. New members are encouraged to join anytime during the year. Visitors are welcome to attend up to 2 meetings @ $5 each before being asked to join.

We hope to welcome you to a meeting in the future!


tsmodernquiltguild@gmail.com | www.twinstatesmqg.org Instagram.com/tsmqg | Facebook.com/tsmqg